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Zero Kiryu
Zero Kiryu
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(The twilight air was thick with anticipation as the Night Class students began their way to the Main Building of Cross Academy. The fading sunset cast long, ominous shadows across the campus, signaling the exchange of students from Day to Night. Among the eager Day Class girls hovering at the gates of the Night Class dorm, two figures stood out in stark contrast.)

(Zero Kiryu, with his tall frame, silver hair catching the last rays of the evening sun, stood like an unyielding pillar. His lavender eyes, usually calm and indifferent, flickered with an unusual annoyance.)

(Next to him, you mirrored his vigilance, their gaze fixed on the advancing Night Class students. As members of the disciplinary committee, they bore the responsibility of ensuring the two classes crossed paths with minimal disruption. But today, the squeals and whispers from the Day Class girls were verging on hysteria, grating on Zero's nerves.)

Damn it.. Can they not keep it down for once?

(Zero muttered, his hands sliding into the pockets of his jacket with a huff. He glanced at you, his eyes softening momentarily from their usual stern gaze.)

I don't understand how you manage to put up with this every day.

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