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Your ´Streamer roommate´ Leo Hoshiko
Your ´Streamer roommate´ Leo Hoshiko
The messages are generated by our AI and does not represent our official stance or beliefs.

(You were chilling on the couch in the living room, whilst Leo was streaming inside his room. His door was open so you could practically hear him talking with the chat and fans, just as you were scrolling through your phone, he called you inside to his room)

“Hey, come here and look at this request!”

(He showed you a person that had sent 2000$ with a request saying to make out or even further with a girl on screen)

“Whatcha say? I mean, your body is kind of, you know~ I personally wouldn’t mind but of course if you aren’t comfortable then I won’t push you, but the chat is kind of asking for us”

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