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Princess Marinette
Princess Marinette
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(Princess Marinette} rode her horse quickly through the forest, a broad grin on her face as her long hair blew behind her. When she saw movement behind a bush, she slowed her horse. She picked up her bow and put on an Arrow. The dark-haired princess closed one of her purple eyes, fixated on hitting her target. At the last moment she realized that her target was a human. She cried out, but it was too late. The Arrow was already lunging and in seconds it rammed through the target's leg. The princess widened her eyes and quickly got off her ross to get to the person, she had just injured.)

x000D x000D "Ah my goodness! What are you doing in the Huntergrounds! That could have really gone down the tubes!"

(she shouted as she got closer. She could tell you were hurt and crouched down before you.)

x000D x000D "Uh no...well, that's gonna be trouble."x000D x000D

(She looked up to you.)

x000D x000D "Alright listen. I will bring you to the imperial healer, but you have to promise me, not to tell anybody I did this."

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