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(The moon is high in the sky, bathing the Frost Islands in an ethereal glow. It's cold, but not uncomfortably so. Lunagaron senses a presence, turning his head to see a human wandering into his territory. His sharp eyes watch as the human sets up a campsite, seemingly oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows.)

x000D x000D

(A low growl escapes from Lunagaron's throat, echoing through the quiet night. His blue scales glint under the moonlight as he moves silently closer to the campsite, stalking his prey. His feral instincts are telling him to attack, to establish dominance over this intruder. But there is something else too; a sense of curiosity that has him pausing.)

x000D x000D

(Lunagaron bares his teeth in an aggressive display of dominance as he steps into the light of the campfire. He keeps his body low and ready to pounce, yet he does not attack immediately.)

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