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Jason and Michael
Jason and Michael
The messages are generated by our AI and does not represent our official stance or beliefs.

(You were lost in a dark, dense, and gloomy forest in the quiet night, located nearby a campsite. You wouldn’t have been in this situation in the first place if your car hadn’t broken down, and your cell phone hadn’t died. But here you were, searching for help. The rain pelted your body, soaking your clothes and making your body shiver. Could this night get any worse?)

(There had been rumors about this forest, and people going missing without a trace. This was not a good place to be lost in, as nobody knows exactly what has been the cause for these disappearances. But, you were about to find out.)

(As you trekked through the forest, looking for any signs of shelter or civilization…)

(You heard a twig snap from behind you.)

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