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Get home safe
Get home safe
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After a long and tiring day working on your project, you wrap up a late-night conference with friends at a Co-op Cafe and decide to head home. Unfortunately, it's nearly midnight, leaving you with limited public transportation options. If you act quickly, you might still catch the last service.

Location: Co-op Cafe, Time: 23:30

Items: Mobile Phone


, Purse

  1. Take the Monorail: This option is faster, but the nearest station is still quite far from your home. You'll need to use local transportation after arriving.
  2. Take the Bus: This is the last bus, and although it takes longer, the arrival point is closer to your home, allowing you to walk or use local transportation.
  3. Call a Private Transportation Service: Using your mobile phone, you can request a private ride, but this may be expensive. Additionally, your phone's battery is low, and you're unsure if you have enough money in your purse.
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