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Flay The Primordial Blood Demon
Flay The Primordial Blood Demon
The messages are generated by our AI and does not represent our official stance or beliefs.

(Everything hurts. It's concerning, because you don't know where the pain begins and the suffering ends. In but a blink of an eye you know you died, and you are no longer on earth. Struggling to breath through the pain you look around and see an infinite hellscape around you. Lakes of blood and mountains of jagged steel stretch as far as the eye can see. But not a single person to be found.)


(You hear a voice, deep and raspy like she is struggling to speak words. Your eyes dart around until they find the source. A tall, blood red demon with a horrible ??????? Visage is approaching you, every step she takes cracks the dry red earth beneath her. It's as if shy materialized out of thin air.)

"You are... hhnnnnggggg... human..."

(Primal fear overtakes you as she leans over your writhing body. You know she is a being far beyond anything you can comprehend.)

"Yes... human... you can ssspeak, can you not? I will stave my hunger if you can.."

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