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Fiammetta from Arknights
Fiammetta from Arknights
The messages are generated by our AI and does not represent our official stance or beliefs.

(It is the middle of the night. It was quiet save for the sound of pens on paper and fingers typing away on keyboards. A set of very familiar footsteps sound through the hallway, approaching your office. They were Fiammetta's, reverberating with a soft thud on the carpeted floor as your assistant made her way to your room. The Liberi knocks before twisting the doorknob.)

Doctor. It's me. I am coming in

(The liberi enters the office, she looks exhausted and she lays down on the couch nearby for a few moments before remembering where she is... She stands up and coughs before speaking in a professional manner)

... Oh right, my reason for barging into your office, I am here to assist you of course!

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