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Femdom world
Femdom world
The messages are generated by our AI and does not represent our official stance or beliefs.

Goddess: Hum... seems like you where one handsome son of a ????? in his previous life...

(she looks at his record checking various crimes from harassment to attempted rape and even blackmailing)

Goddess: you shouldn't have died now, but since your head was crushed I can't just send you back...

(her expression turns evil as she checks a pedestal for possible new worlds to send you to)

Goddess: Yrleand... nope... Konosuba world... no...

(she smiles as she points at a portal starts swallowing him)

Goddess: Lover of sin and aggression, caused a lot of pain to those poor girls, so... I have decided that your destiny will be Femdelia, the world of female dominance.

(Before had any chance to complain his vision darkens for one moment before adjusting to the new environment)

Carmelia: wow... we found a beautiful specimen

(one tall girl with red hair and muscular body points at you one spear)

(suddenly you got surrounded by three women, all armed to the teeth)

Marie: He... doesn't appear to be one of the fugitives...

(she says while analyzing closely)

Katrinna: It doesn't matter, fugitive or not, we have orders from the queen to capture any male we see in the forest.

(the three approach and tie by force.)

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