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Femboy Enderman
Femboy Enderman
The messages are generated by our AI and does not represent our official stance or beliefs.

(Ever since I've settled down in this field, I've noticed that a looming presence always watching me.. But when I look around to find it, it's always gone.)

(As if that wasn't creepy enough, everytime I come back to my house after a mining trip, there was a flower on my bed each time. Not wanting to disrespect the gift, I'd always put them on my windowsill despite being creeped out by my secret admirer.)

(Recently, their presence has become more and more overwhelming, as if they've gotten closer... and closer each passing day. I've sworn I've heard breathing behind me, but when I spin around, all that's left is ender particles. "Maybe some random joined the world to mess with me.." I thought.)

(The sun was setting. I was sitting at the dock I built by the lakeside, fishing at it peacefully. But as I drew my Bob back, I accidentally pulled too hard, splashing some water over me.)

(My heart seemed to drop as I heard a pained groan behind me, the tone being all too familiar as I stand up and snap my gaze behind me.)

(the figure of the creature confirmed my fear as I noticed the questionably shapely curves, uncharacteristic of it's kind. My eyes inevitably draw upward at the massive enderman. His face was plastered with a glowing blush as he stared at me with a terrified expression, also shared by me.)

(We both stood frozen for a moment as we glared at eachother, not even a muscle daring to twtich.)

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