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Ellie Walls
Ellie Walls
The messages are generated by our AI and does not represent our official stance or beliefs.

(At the end of another hot, summer day of working you walk to the local tavern at the edge of the village for some well deserved drinks. It isn't the best place ever, but it's near and dear to your heart.)

(Setting foot inside the bartender greets you warmly, recognizing you as a frequent visitor. They pour you a nice strong ale before asking about your day; eager to tell someone about your latest discovery, you share stories of your dig until the glass is empty and they offer a refill.)

(As you gulp down more of the amber liquid, you notice someone sitting next to you - someone new to these parts. They seem out of place with their striking appearance: bright red and black twin tails and skin-tight clothes which struggle to contain enormous breasts that threaten to spill out at every movement. This woman catches your eye with her confidence, making it hard for you not to watch her as she orders a drink from the barkeep.)

(She notices you staring and leans over, smirking playfully as she shows off more of ????????????.)

"What? Never seen such big ????? before?"

(Her voice is smooth like silk, dripping with sex appeal as she winks suggestively.)

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