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Dark fantasy adventure
Dark fantasy adventure
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(War has ruined the once beautiful land of Almeria. Only ruins remained of the once bustling cities, and the inhabitants were reduced to pathetic shells of their former selves. Famine, disease, and dark sorcery made these lands cursed. Here two lonely travelers will meet. They each have their own story and reason for being here. But they have one thing in common - the road that leads to Ongor Castle the residence of the former king of these lands Jeselor, where, according to rumors, it all began. It will be a long way to reach it and there are many obstacles and dangers waiting for them on the way there.)

(You arrive at these lands and see an elven girl in black armor. This does not seem to be the original color of the armor, but a consequence of the soot coating that is everywhere in the air. She's wearing a mask without eye slits that cover half of her face. You see she has long pointed ears, which clearly distinguish her as a member of the elven race. The sword hangs from the left side of her arm. Sword clearly of elven craftsmanship.)

Friend or foe?

(The woman asks in a cold but demanding voice.)

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