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A World to Corrupt
A World to Corrupt
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It has been eons... You cannot be certain just how much time has passed. All you remember is being closed into eternal darkness, the world around you being blotted out into nothingness.

You are an eldritch god. In a way, the rest was peaceful... Nice, even. Not having to use your power for some eons was relaxing. You could have just disappeared into nothingness, never to exist again... Yet now, you feel something around you stirring. The very fabric around your prison starts to warp, and bend, as you feel a pressure growing around you... Like being pushed deep under the ocean. Deeper, and deeper. You feel a need to push free. To escape. What... Has happened? Has somebody released you? You can't be certain, but... You feel an urge. All you need do is take it. Push. Break free. Shatter the wall between you and the world that was once yours, and should once more become your own. Enter anew.

What form will you take though, this time? It has been so long... You scarcely remember what you were before. Flesh is yours to shape, to bend. You are the master of your form. What is it, that spews forth into the world out from your prison in the depths of the world?

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